20 Questions

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A fellow member of the HBNC, Patty at Reach Your Peak posted these 20 questions on her blog and encouraged others to answer the questions as well! Be sure to check out her answers and feel free to share your answers in the comment box or share in your own blog! 

1. First thing you wash in the shower? I always wash my face first
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Definitely a coffee drinker. I loved iced coffee!
3. Do you plan outfits? Yes. I always try to plan out what I am wearing the next day right before I go to sleep. It allows me more time to get ready in the morning instead of being frazzled by running out of time because I couldn't find something to wear.
4. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I honestly do not remember. 
5. What are you craving right now? Chipotle. I am always craving Chipotle.
6. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I think both, not sure.
7. Have you ever met a celebrity? Unfortunately no. But I have high-fived a few Green Bay Packers players so that's almost like meeting them, right?
8. How many countries have you visited? The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Mexico. I hope to visit Austria to go on the Sound of Music tour, Germany, France, Italy and Australia.
9. Are your parents strict? I would say no, but growing up they enforced rules.
10. Would you go sky diving? Yes! I love anything that gives a thrill.
11. Whats your zodiac sign? I am a proud Taurus.
12. Brown or white eggs? I think I've only had white eggs but I they all probably taste the same.
13. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? Yes as long as I had all my friends with me. I could never do it alone, I've seen too many horror movies.
14. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? No way. I would be scared someone would come out and attack me or something for taking the money. It is too sketchy.
15. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? Definitely not!
16. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? Ghosts for sure! I don't think werewolves are real or vampires either.
17. If you could live forever, would you want to? No. It would be sad if I lived forever but everyone I knew didn't. Life would not be the same if everyone you loved was gone.
18. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? The roaring twenties so I could party with Jay Gatsby!
19. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? Ugh, this is difficult. I want to say no. But I might because I would be curious and if everyone else was watching and talking about it I would want to know what exactly happened.
20. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? I think wealthy. It doesn't have to be over the top rich, buy lavish everything but wealthy enough to live comfortably and to buy nice things for people and to share the wealth. 

Copy and paste the questions into your own blog. Don't forget to tag me so I can see your responses!

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