There's No Place Like Your College

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A common thing most college student hear is that being away at college makes you appreciate home and being home makes you appreciate being away at college. Well, being away at a different college makes you appreciate your college even more. After spending some time on a different college campus I realized even more some of the reasons why I love UW-Green Bay. 

Bathrooms: At Green Bay we are truly lucky to get our own bathrooms for each dorm room as a freshman.I always knew this was wonderful and it helped confirm my decision to go to UWGB but after surviving communal bathrooms, I know what a gift we really have. The toilet part of the bathroom is whatever, exactly like a public restroom but the showers are a whole different story.  Besides the usual grossness of having to wear flip flops so you don't get a nasty foot fungus, I can break these down into the two main parts of nastiness. 
  • Hair: There are few things more gross than walking into the shower and seeing long hair, of someone that is not you, on the floor or on the walls. I get it - people lose hair in the shower, I never notice it cause I'm blonde so you can't see but when you see someone else's long brunette hair plastered to the shower walls... it was enough to make me gag. The sight of it alone is horrible but all you can do is just leave it there because picking up someone else's hair is also disgusting. I wish I would have taken a picture because I was just blown away with how gross it was. 
  • Water Temperature:  With your own shower you can take a scalding, long shower but when you share a bathroom, chances are there are more than one person taking a shower in the bathroom at one time. Multiple people showering means less hot water to go around. Unless you wait to a less conventional time, you will most likely be taking a freezing cold shower. It sucks. 
Dorm Rooms: Green Bay has nice dorm rooms in the res halls but I never really realized until I slept in a different school's. I'd been into other college's dorms before but never long enough to fully understand what it was like. The only nicer thing these dorms had was air conditioning but with that being said I was freezing the whole time cause I didn't bring a blanket so that sort of became a let down. 
  • Mirrors & Sinks: In Green Bay we get our own mirror and sink in each room. I had never realized what a blessing this was. Sure once you go to school at a college that doesn't have these amenities in their rooms you can bring a mirror for the wall but I didn't have a mirror so that requires having to do your hair and makeup in the bathroom everyday. Luckily in my sisters room someone left a mirror but everyone else had to get ready in a crowed bathroom. Also without a sink in your room you can't brush your teeth whenever you want. Sure you can go to the bathroom sink and do it but it's annoying.
  • Furniture: GB furniture is pretty updated, very thankful for that. Also glad that the desks and dressers are not built into the walls so you can rearrange them however you wish. 
The Campus: I found out I get lost on large campuses very easily. I wouldn't consider GB to be very small but it is a good size with a very good lay out making getting lost hard to do. Also I am thankful we have very specific signs that tell you where to go. 

I never doubted that Green Bay wasn't nice but I have to say I have 100% confirmed that I love our campus and am SO thankful for the residence halls and apartments that we do get. 

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