Smart Cow Secret Menu ?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

At Smart Cow today my sister jokingly made a comment about if there was a "Smart Cow Secret Menu" like the ones that people make for Starbucks. Of course there isn't because you get to make your own each time but it made me wonder if there were "secret combinations" that people make. I think I have one and I'm willing to share it.

First off, if you don't know what Smart Cow is, it's a frozen yogurt bar. Frozen yogurt has suddenly gotten very popular and places have been popping up all over,  If you don't have a Smart Cow then you most likely have a place similar to it near you, hopefully with the same flavors so you can make this yummy combination for yourself!

So here is my favorite frozen yogurt mix:

1. Start with espresso flavored yogurt
2. Add sea salted carmel yogurt

Next, add toppings
3. Pretzel pieces are a must
4. Chocolate Carmel cups 
5. Top off with hot carmel

It's the perfect mix of salty and sweet! 

Got a "secret mix" of your own? Feel free to share! 

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