I Am 19 Going On 20

Monday, May 05, 2014

With my birthday being tomorrow I've kinda been doing a lot of thinking about this past year. It really was one fabulous year, many great unforgettable times, awesome new friendships and basically no "ragrets", not even one letter! 19 was a year to remember. But the one things I will change during my year as a 20-year old is to not always feel the need to make other people happy if they don't bring me any happiness in return. I don't mean that in a selfish way. What I do mean is if a person can be counted on to bring more pain than happiness to your life, then they don't deserve a spot in your world. That is what I'm going to focus on in this coming year, because after all we need to create our own happiness and by getting rid of those who don't bring joy then we will be doing so!

Anyways, to commemorate the past year, here are some of my favorite moments of being 19.

 The most amazing trip to Florida with my cousin, aunt and sisters.

Being cleared from ACL/Meniscus surgery. Here is my first back tuck after I was cleared!

Cheering at every Green Bay Packers home game! 

Rooming with my best friend as well as making some great new friends 

Cheering on the Green Bay Phoenix! 

And making UCA Staff of course! 

Can't wait to see what 20 has in store for me.

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