"Somebody Mixed My Medicine"

Monday, August 11, 2014

Today I came across this quote on Tumblr, "Other people are not medicine" and for some reason it really got me thinking. It's so simple and so true. Many times we turn to others as our source of happiness but we fail to realize that ultimately we create our own happiness. Why do we think friends and companions are the only way we can find joy? Do we forget that we are more than capable of putting a smile on our own face? If we depend on people to be our medicine, what happens when these people leave us? From now on don't solely depend on people to make you happy. We can easily bring a smile to our own face: splurge on that expensive new dress that makes you feel like a rockstar, spend all day in your pajamas watching Netflix, treat your self to that Venti iced coffee, whatever it takes to make yourself feel good.  Make it a happy Monday!

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