A Re-Introduction

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Hi and thanks for reading! When I first started this blog I wrote an introduction here but for recent  purposes I figured I'd give that intro a quick makeover.

A few things remain the same: I'm still Leah and I'm still writing but I'm shifting gears on this blog a bit to focus on my independent study for class this fall. As a journalism student I am always looking for real world writing experience or any writing experience in general. So while I'll continue to write posts similar to previous posts, I'll also be writing "articles" if you will, on the topics of my choosing to further enhance my learning. This blog is going to be a fun mix of buzzfed and news articles but a little less heavy on the hard news.

If you're thinking "why?," I am writing simply because in order to be a good writer you need to write! Does that mean I'm going to be writing in the future? Who knows, there are a million things I wish to do with my degree. I am currently pursuing a degree in communications with a triple emphasis in journalism, mass media and public relations. When I was younger I always saw myself as a journalist and while I still love writing, there are many other interests I have found in the realm of communications. I currently serve as the social media and marketing intern for UWGB Residence Life. I get to run all the social media for residence life as well as write blog posts for our website. As of this summer, I have gotten to be a part of the UCA Staff social media team which has been awesome. Working in social media after graduation would be a dream come true!

Now to the fun stuff.

When not working or in school or writing, I am a very busy person. As a member of the UWGB
cheerleading team you can find me running around campus in a uniform and a phoenix tattoo for a good part of the year. We cheer at all home men's and women's basketball games. Since our school doesn't have a football team we also get to cheer at all home Packers games too! The last three years on the team have been a great experience.

I'm all about lazy Netflix days or spending the day getting a tan while reading a good book. I also enjoy spending money on over priced drinks downtown while having a great time with friends. I like a wide variety of music and I want to eat sushi 24/7. There are probably about a billion other things I could list here that helps define who I am but I'll let you figure that out for yourself!

Anything else you need to know or if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions feel free to contact my by filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Otherwise twitter is a great way to get in contact!

Thanks for reading!

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