2014 Fall Semester Goals

Monday, September 08, 2014

I survived the first week of classes and came to the conclusion that this is going to be one of the most difficult semesters of college yet. Between classes, my internship, countless group projects (the joys of being a Communications major), cheerleading practice, Packers games, and both men's and women's basketball games, I don't have time for any naps and I need to stay on my organization grind. Quick shout out to my planner for keeping my life in order. As a particularly motivated person, here are a few of my goals for this fall semester.

1. Get an AB or an A in all of my classes: I could shoot for the stars and try for solid A's across the board but by setting my standard at an AB or better I'll be happier in the long run when I reach that A and I won't be as hard on myself if AB is all that is attainable.

2. Get at least a 3.0 GPA for the semester: Or higher. I completed last semester with high honors and made the deans list (go me!) and am hoping to do something similar this semester. I think a 3.0 is a solid goal to work towards and if it's higher I'm not going to complain.

3. Make time for me: I'm kinda upset that I'm not gonna have anytime for a nap during the day but I'm going to do my best to at least set aside 40 minutes each night to watch Friday Night Lights which I recently restarted on Netflix.

4. Cheer: I always have cheer goals. First I need to make sure I can still throw all my running tumbling. Then once that step is complete I need to throw a layout on the gym floor during a game because I still have yet to do that after tearing my ACL/meniscus during a game almost two years ago. I also want to get a full up and a toss lib with my awesome stunt partner.

I probably have at least 5 more mini goals for this semester, but these are the big four. Here's to hoping I can accomplish them!

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  1. Great goals! I have faith that you will certainly accomplish them. Rooting for you! :)

    Zoe | La Vie en Zoe


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