Birthday Recap

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Yesterday was a perfect day for a birthday. The sun was shinning,the temperature was nice, which is super rare for Wisconsin right now, and I got to spend it will my wonderful friends. I don't know why but birthdays always make me realize all the special people I have in my life, so to all, thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me a sweet birthday wish and to go out and celebrate with!The best part is my friends made each of us our own cake which is really just the nicest thing ever. t was easily the best part of the day. I am truly lucky to have such great friends. Anyways, here's some pictures just because.

For some reason I cannot get the picture to rotate, but it says "#turn up for twenty" Leah cause that's the slogan I've been saying whenever talking about my birthday.

And as girls of course we felt the need to document the night so we held our own mini photo shoot before we went our to dinner at Titletown Brewery.

Of course I needed a birthday selfie. 

Overall it was a wonderful birthday. 

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  1. Happy Birthday girl!
    i'm glad you had a great time!


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