Interviewing Tips

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tis the season to be interviewed! With summer jobs and internships looming many people are setting out on interviews- including myself! Here are some tips and things I have thought of that can help with the interview season.

1. Dress to impress: You want to be taken seriously, so it's important that you dress the part. Dress, skirt or dress pants for the ladies, and always a tie for the men! With such weird spring weather we are having choosing an outfit can be difficult. One thing to always remember- wear tights. Another thing to consider is dress for the position you are applying for. For most interviews business casual is what is expected but if you're applying for a store at the mall, dress in the style that they sell so that the interviewer can really see you in their brand, trying to sell their product. Remember the golden rule: look good, feel good, do great.

2. Don't be nervous: I know what you're thinking, easier said than done, right? But there is no real reason to be nervous, you're just talking to people, something you do every day. One thing I always tell myself before an interview if I'm feeling nervous is that I have done things scarier than this before.

3. Eye contact is key: When I'm talking to people, I always notice who makes eye contact or who looks away. Someone that can hold your gaze during a conversation always seems more engaged and confident. If you can keep eye contact during an interview is shows that you're not nervous and it sets you apart from other applicants.

4. Make a resume ahead of time: If you have to submit a resume before the interview or have to bring one with you, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get the task done. The last thing you want is to turn in a resume filled with silly mistakes. Be sure to have multiple people check over your work to ensure that you've got it perfect.

5.Be yourself: Don't try and change you image just so you seem to fit the company better. Be yourself and they'll love you for that!  Remember, nobody does you better than you can.

Happy interviewing!

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